Sunday, April 24, 2016

Truth - Tale of head, heart and hand

"My wealth is my Knowledge, Dhananand !!
If my knowledge has Strength,
I shall create the kings to support me"

"A teacher is never ordinary, Dhananand !!
The Creator and The Destroyers both plays in his lap" 

These were the simple statements made by Vishnugupta in the courts of one of the Indian king Dhananand from Nanda dynasty in 305 BCE. These were the words from angry Vishnugupta when he was insulted by the establishment and was taken as a joker.

Fast forward 320 BCE, The Nanda Empire was conquered by Chandragupta Maurya, who founded the Maurya Empire.Guess what new king was the student of Vishnugupta, by that time he was known by the name Chankaya, who is household name for every Indian in current era as well. 
And yes Chakravartin Ashoka Samrat was from the same Maurya empire and ruled by the guidelines and principles articulated by Chankaya.

Interesting, What happened in those 15 years which converted those laughable simple statements which were made out of anger into TRUTH? 
Can Truth be constructed ? Or was it a mere example supporting the statement made by wise "Anger is purest form of emotion".

Let's discuss truth, Wikipedia says "Truth is most often used to mean being in accord with fact or reality or fidelity to an original standard." Oh ! quite a dry description of the Truth.

During my school days i used to wear belt which was part of the uniform.It used to carry one interesting one Liner, "Truth is God", This being the motto of Army Public School in India.

This motto was so profound, i don't remember anybody having discussions on the motto. It was accepted with grace.Simple thoughts or ideas helps one to go through crisis. If we say one is not ready during school days to understand the complexity behind the verse, Fair enough simple thoughts are easy to understand and apply.

First of all let's appreciate the fact that there is a difference between Fact and Truth.

Fact is something which can not be combated with reasoning. A fact is a reality that cannot be logically disputed or rejected. If i say "1 + 1 = 2" , It is a concrete reality and no amount of reasoning will change it.
Facts are not discovered, facts are not created, facts are simply acknowledged.

A Truth on the other hand, is almost opposite. Truth are not simply acknowledged, but must be discovered, or created.Truth is something which depends on a person's perspective and experience. " 2 = 1 + 1 " is True , but not a fact as there are infinite results " 2 = 1 * 2  or  2 = 2 / 1 or 2 = 10 - 8 or ... ). To cut this short mathematically we can say Fact is True, but not all Truths are facts. Someone nailed it when he said "Truth is generally accepted outcome or reasoning while fact is a proven truth."

Truth is something which is present present inside each one of us. It is something which is waiting inside us, like a seed awaiting for the discovery. In our general day to day conversations whenever we hear a statement , there are different ways we interpret what is offered to our ears.

We dissect or see it through the lenses of Head, Heart and Hand. Head is representing the Intellectual, Heart the Emotional, Hand the Practical side of us in a human body or system.

We mix all the three and come up with something which suits us or make us comfortable.

Oh ! Yes these are the things which happens when we hear something, you can not run from this process at least as it is a fact. Whether you accept or not, all these goes behind once you hear something.

Textures of Truth are beautiful and rich, one experience the same at different level.
Their is value in every truth, Ultimately you have to create your own truth and have fun with same.

So technically there are so many version of The Truth, Your truth, My truth, Their truth.

Looks simple isn't it ? If we know Truth is all about perception and interpretion. Why their are conflicts across the world across the subjects ? Looks like a NP hard problem to solve for us The Humans.
We are too busy in playing Truth or Dare, we don't have time to ponder over things like this, isn't it ?

I think, conflict arises when are trapped and tightly coupled to "ME/MY". We are so concerned about our Truth that we forgets the very fact about truth.

We don't Let GO , to allow others to enjoy their truth.It's all contextual, nothing is Perfect. We should just Let it GO and make the way for other toward happiness.

With time Ideas expand, so even the Truth moves towards the infinity.

I loved when somebody said awesome thing about our society. We are obsessed with one word "Judgement", We keep asking ourselves or other for everything "Is this right? Is this wrong ?"
 We should rather observe and understand.

Observing is No Judgement, Explanation is no Justification.

As my friend say in history , only hunter's truth dominates. But that should not stop us from doing following thing

"Let's discover our own TRUTH"

- Signing off , please let me know your views in comments or mails.

Your friend,
Surender ( Surri )



  1. Beautifully put. Adding to it, Facts requires observation whereas Truth exists even without an observer :)

    1. "Facts requires observation whereas Truth exists even without an observer :)" that's an awesome way to put things. Please ping me would love to catch up.

  2. I enjoyed reading it! Thank you Surender for sharing your thoughts :) Would love reading your take on "Life" someday!
