Saturday, June 22, 2013

Wana Glitter Like Gold

Hey It's been seriously a long time that I have told you guys anything.
Pristine Soul Memoir was a place where I promised myself to post my Hits and Trial with Life.But it's been more than a year that I have posted anything.

C'mon Man ! Are you serious ! It means I didn't had anything to share !
This is not true,the are 'N' number of incidents.

Oh My God ! Do you mean that I didn't had enough time to even think what's going in my life.During school days had heard a lot about 'Time and Tides',None of them wait for the Humans.Quite true and proven fact! I guess all of you will agree on it !

I can give you on stamp paper that Everyone of us have 'N' number of Extra small,Small,Large,Extra large Dreams or Desires which were our Best Friends in School Days.We used to spend time discussing and sometime even did some planning for the same.

But as soon as we are out of the college and after being the part of Working Force club,We even stop thinking about childhood dreams.We convince ourselves with so called 'Practical' thoughts which one or other way proves to our subconscious mind that there is something called Impossible.

As far as my thoughts are concerned this is not the Right thing or Right Way to Live a life.By this we are doing nothing but  training our subconscious mind to be a Coward.I assume all of us are aware of The Power of subconscious mind.With time One will be afraid even to take small risks and dreams will take their literal meaning.

It doesn't mean we should leave our daily job and just pack up our bag to run after our dreams.We have to take Time out from our routine itself for other things which we wants to do in our life.

Buddy Lets wake up now to Get Peaceful Mind, Joyful Heart,Vibrant Body.Because Nothing happens if you are sitting on your ass to just get bleed and time will just pass away.

Just try to give it everything you got it in whatever you take in your life.Give yourself completely Body,Mind and Soul.Then leave it to the Destiny to decide it for you.It doesn't matter what comes out of it,You will become bold day by day subconsciously.You will be amazed to see yourself in mirror and the contentment which you will get will be mind boggling.

Professional and Personal Life both will glitter like gold.Just have a burning heart to pump up the oxygen to  take the back your pride in order to get out the stranger that's buried deep inside all of us.

If you have the lightening Passion in the Heart,Trust me you will be able to get time for everything you want to do in life.So right from Now make sure you take time out for your dreams as well.

All the very best ! And I am also signing off to do the same !